
Janet-botan is a Janet bindings to Botan.

Source code



[sudo] jpm install https://github.com/tttuuu888/janet-botan.git


Janet-botan provides flexible ways to perform cryptographic operations. Below are examples demonstrating three different styles of using Janet-botan for SHA-256 hashing.

1. Function calls

This method uses direct function calls to perform hashing operations.

(let [hash (hash/new "SHA-256")]
  (hash/update hash "1234")
  (hash/update hash "5678")
  (print (hash/final hash)))

2. Method syntax

This approach uses Janet's method syntax to call functions on the hash object.

(let [hash (hash/new "SHA-256")]
  (:update hash "1234")
  (:update hash "5678")
  (print (:final hash)))

3. Threading macro

This example demonstrates the use of Janet's threading macro (`->`) for a more functional style.

(let [hash (hash/new "SHA-256")]
  (-> hash
      (:update "1234")
      (:update "5678")